Constant-Joseph Brochart
Constant Joseph Brochard ( 1816 - 1898 ) Né à Lille le 7 avril 1816, mort le 7 mai 1898 à Paris, fait parti de l'Ecole Française, Il fit ses premières étude à Lille entre 1849 et 1862, il exposa aux différents salons: Bacchanales, La biche blessée, La vierge auxroses ( Pastel ), Le baiser du soleil, différents portraits dont celui de Christine Nilson, du Théatre lyrique impératif, celui du Baron Hussman, etses peintures orientalistes, Souvenirs d'Alger, l'Oracle de Kabyle, le musée de Lille possède Ondine près d'une cascade, don de l'artiste en 1862.
Constantoseph Brochart (1816 - 1899) Born in Lille, April 7, 1816, died May 7, 1899 in Paris, is part of the French school. He received his early education at School of Lille between 1849 and 1862, exhibited at various shows: Bacchanale, the wounded doe, The Virgin of the Rose (Pastel) The kiss of the sun, including the various portraits Christine Nilson, the lyric theater imperative and famous Baron Hussman, and some paintings as, Souvenirs of Algiers, orientalist style, the oracle of Kabyle and the Museum of Lille possess : Ondine near a waterfall, a gift from the artist in 1862. art
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