Barker Fairly

Barker Fairley, né le 21 mai 1887, à Barnsley, dans le Yorkshire, et décédé dans sa maison à Toronto le 11 octobre 1986, auteur et éducateur, devenu citoyen canadien. Bien qu'instruit et éduqué dans la plus pure tradition Brittanique, avec une idéologie bien européenne , ses études en littérature allemande et critique d'art furent faites au Canada ses sujets de maîtrise étaient l'art et la culture canadienne. Les influences artistiques qui bougeaient tout autour, ont sensiblement influencées son écriture . souvent se reunissaient avec lui dans sa maison de Toronto, quelques influents amis du groupe des septs. Il a étudié et gradué à Leeds, et en 1907 obtint un Ph.D. de l'université Iéna en Allemagne. Son premier rendez-vous avec le monde de l,éducation était à Iéna. Entre 1910-15, il a joint le corps enseignant de l'université d'Edmonton en Alberta, nouvellement ouverte . Il a joint le département allemand de l'université de Toronto où il a enseigna jusqu'à la fin de sa carrière en tant que professeur.Barker Fairley a passé presque toute sa vie artistique professionnelle dans Ontario. Ses oeuvres se retrouvent dans les plus grandes collections en Amérique du nord et les maisons de vente tel Sotheby's Canada et Heffel n'oublient jamais d'inclure des pièces de Barker Fairly dans leurs ventes importantes d'art Canadien annuelles.

Barker Fairley, OC (May 21, 1887 – October 11, 1986) was a British-born painter, writer, and educator and a Canadian citizen. Although educated and brought up in a strong European tradition and background, his important life's scholarship in German literature and art criticism was done in Canada and was about Canadian art and Canadian culture. His perspective and writings strongly influenced a burgeoning academic and artistic culture in his new chosen home.
He was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire and died in his home in Toronto, Canada.
He was educated at Leeds, and in 1907 was granted a Ph.D. from Jena University in Germany. His first academic appointment was at Jena. Between 1910-15, he joined the faculty at the newly founded University of Alberta in Edmonton. He joined the University of Toronto's German department in 1915 where he taught until the end of his career as a professor.
In 1949, he was invited to Bryn Mawr College to deliver lectures on the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, but was barred entry by the U.S. Department of Justice. He later compiled the texts of the abortive lectures into six essays on Faust.[1]
In 1978, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada for his "unique contribution to Canadian scholarship".
Barker Fairley spent almost all of his professional artistic life in Ontario, where he was also mentor and teacher to Charles Meanwell and Vincent Thomas. Many of his paintings are still owned by the University of Toronto and are in the Hart House collection. In his use of colour and form, the effect of the Group of Seven is quite evident. His critical approach and activism regarding The Group of Seven contributed to their acceptance in Canadian Art, and that his scholaristic influence over University College at the University of Toronto left a strong and lasting impression.
His first wife, Margaret Fairley, was a notable Canadian political activist.

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RETIRÉ provenance douteuse - Signature - Jour bleu - Blue day
Medium : Fusain crayon -Charcoal pen
23 x 33 cm. - 9 x 13 in.
Prix : $ 650.
RETIRÉ - Provenance douteuse Jour bleu - Withdraw, dubious provenance - Blue day
Medium : fusain crayon -Charcoal pen
23 x 33 cm. - 9 x 13 in.
Prix : $ 650.

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