Attrib: Carl Fellman Schaefer
Carl F. Schaefer est né à Hanover en Ontario, Canada, il a étudié au Collège des arts de l'Ontario sous la direction de deux membres du groupe des septs, J.E.H. MacDonald et Emmanuel Hahn. Devint artiste décorateur, pour certaines églises, et panneaux publicitaires, tout en continant à travailler sa propre collection. Il se servait de l'huile pour rendre des vues de sa ville natale sur toile, et continua dans cette veine, paysagiste. Il eu sa première exposition en 1924, et 1925 exposa à l'Ontario society of artists, et enfin la consécréation en 1928, exposition avec ses professeurs du groupe des septs. Il enseigna quelques temps dans de prestigieux collèges de Toronto et Port Hope, et développa un intérêt pour la gravure à ce moment. En 1940 il reçut le prix Guggenheim, qui lui permit d'enfin vivre de son art multidisciplinaire en Nouvelle Angleterre
Carl Schaefer was born in Hanover, Ontario in 1903. While Schaefer studied at the Ontario College of Art he was taught by two of the Group of Seven artists: J.E.H. MacDonald and Emanuel Hahn. He spent some time working as a church decorator and sign painter while working on his own private collection. Schaefer appreciated the landscape of his hometown and that led to him becoming a landscape artist.
Schaefer held his first art show in 1924 and then had another exhibition with the Ontario Society of Artists in 1925. He got to exhibit with his former teachers, and the rest of the Group of Seven in 1928.
In the 1930’s there was little money and Schaefer found it hard to make ends meet. Schaefer taught art at the Central Technical School in Toronto as well as at the Trinity College School in Port Hope. Then in 1940 he was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship which afforded him enough money to paint full-time in New England.
Medium : Gravure - Etching
20 x 31 cm. - 8 x 13 in.
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